Sales Engineer and Solution Architect based in Brooklyn, New York.
Currently selling media experiences at Cloudinary.
I am an award winning Sales Engineer at Cloudinary, a prestigious Image and Video API platform that is trusted by 1.5 million developers and 10,000 enterprise and hyper-growth companies.
I discovered HTML tables in the late 90s at the age of 14. After arranging nearly all of the original 150 Pokémon into rows and columns, I thought I was onto something big.
DAM, Content, Search, Integration, Data, CRM.
Full stack development experience.
Both customer facing, and developer friendly.
2021 - Present
New York
Sales Engineer
Presented on behalf of Cloudinary at HS DAM NYC, 2023.
Winner of the “Pushing beyond the URL” sales award.
Engineered sales focused image and video solutions that demonstrate optimization, delivery, management and development APIs.
2016 - 2021
New York
Technical Director + Solution Engineer
Helped launch the Squiz Inc presence in the US as Technical Director, and then expand revenue as lead Sales Engineer in the US Region.
Provided full stack technical direction and sales engineering for Content, CRM, Search, Migration, and Integration solutions.